Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sometimes you have to take a step backwards, to take a step forwards.

It's been one of those weeks.  I swear for every thing I've finished, I have picked up 4 more to do.

My major accomplishments of the week:   I got Farmhouse Yarns to agree to carry one of my patterns, yay!  Did a photo-shoot in my front yard of my shawl and scarf in preparation of publishing both of the patterns.  I e-mailed two proposals to Knit Picks for consideration into the IDP program.  I started and finished knitting the shop's sample of the 18 Pearls Shawl, I knit the cutest little pair of green baby socks, blocked my sister's birthday present before it was a whole month late, and I've gotten my knee to bend as close to 90 degrees as it's going to get before I see the doctor tomorrow.    And Tuesday isn't even over yet!

9 Pearls Scarf
9 Pearls Scarf

8 Pearls Shawl

18 Pearls Shawl

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which side of the projects I'm on), I've picked up yarn to write patterns for and knit fingerless gloves, bulky slippers, upon receipt of some yarn support I have to knit another sample of the said Farmhouse Yarns pattern to send to the company for photographing after I tweak the pattern, and insanely tiny laceweight yarn to write my very first large shawl pattern out of.    I have to give the Shetland Shawl ladies credit - there is something to be said for having a plain center and saving all the hooplah for the trim!

Nancy's Birthday Present
Nancy's Birthday Present

We'll leave today's blog with a picture of the adorable baby booties, because....  I can.

1 comment:

  1. those are adorable i love how the colors are on those thanks for sharing
